[2013-02-18/19] End project meeting in Barcelona (Spain)

[2013-02-10] Promotional brochures in English, Spanish, Italian and German

[2013-05-30] End of the implementation of the improvements in the platform. Final version available on: http:\\sen-plus.net

[2013-02-18/19] Meeting in Rome (Italy)

[2013-01-07] End of the pilot tests with users and companies in Spain and Germany

[2012-06-06/07] M3 meeting in Madrid (Spain)

[2012-05-14] Pilot test begins (protocols, materials and procedures)

[2012-05-07] First prototype of the platform launched. The name of the platform will be SEN-PLUS

[2012-01-27] Mediterm review meeting (Brussels)

[2011-11-02] First prototype of the AWARE system ready. Internal testings.

[2011-09-29/30] M2 meeting in Darmstadt (Germany)

[2011-09-01] First draft of AWARE modules

[2011-03-11] M1 meeting in Rome (Italy)

[2011-02-14] End of the tasks related to the WP1

[2010-09-15] Exhibition of AWARE at the AAL Forum in Odense, Denmark

[2010-09-13] Kick-off Meeting in Valencia (Spain)

[2010-07-01] Start of Project

Visit the SEN+ page if you want to know more about this platform
